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Public·52 members

File: ... _HOT_

At least one of the 'tags', 'public_ids', or 'prefixes' parameters needs to be specified, in order to tell Cloudinary which assets to include in the archive file. Specifying any combination of the three parameters is also allowed - a unique union of all the matching assets will then be included in the archive file:

File: ...

Starting with version 2207, you can select the appropriate playback threshold and pulse audio prebuffer to improve the audio quality. For this enhancement, the following parameters are added in the [ClientAudio] section of the module.ini file:

Citrix Workspace app for Linux supports the TUI VC feature. This feature helps the client to receive the TUI packets sent by the server, and the client can access the UI-related components. This functionality helps you to control the display of the default overlay screen. You can toggle the VDTUI flag in the module.ini file: VDTUI - On/Off 041b061a72


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